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Small Groups

“Leading others beyond just ‘good enough’” is more than just a saying... 

It means offering opportunities that encourage learning about the Bible, our beliefs, and the daily difference Christ makes in our lives. These opportunities are not just for knowing more, they are for growing into mature followers of Christ. Mature followers make a difference in their homes, workplace, and community.


Our small groups are a great way to learn with other believers and to grow toward greater maturity in Christ!




Check out our Wednesday Groups!
Web Group 1.jpg

Coed 60+    
Bugg/Carr                                    112


College/Young Pros  - The Hill              
Chad Varney          103 Johnson Road

Classroom maps

SG Room Layouts - First Floor (2).jpg
SG Room Layouts - Second Floor.jpg
SG Room Layouts - Modular.jpg
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